Friday, March 01, 2013 0 comments

How do I inspire myself?

When you are a professional artist or author, you have deadlines. You can’t very well tell your client or publisher that you’re just not feeling very inspired right now; that artistic genius can’t happen at the drop of a hat. You’re client or publisher won’t appreciate your seemingly snobby, arrogant attitude and you most likely won’t ever be hired again once the word gets around. You have to be pretty famous to get to make your own deadlines. Somebody like Stephen King tells his publishers when he finishes a book, not the other way around. But he’s been writing longer than I’ve been alive. I’ve been writing since I’ve been alive but unfortunately, publishers don’t generally take three pages of scribbly lines a two year old says is a story.

Although I am not a professional by any means (I’d like to be, of course), I still need to find a way to inspire myself, get my thoughts moving so that I can meet my own deadline of completing my book by the end of the year. Hopefully these tips I share will help you too!

1)   I listen to music that makes me think of my main character Rowan. Evanescence, Metallica, and Dommin are the main go-to bands. The music is dark and beautiful and helps put me in the mindset of Rowan.
2)   Certain movies get my brain moving. Whether it’s a psychological thriller like Mr. Brooks or a fantasy epic such as Lord of the Rings, I look for something that will catch my eyes and will make me want to write. I am very visually oriented and I often see my book as a movie playing in my head.
3)   Going for a walk or being active will often get me thinking. A walk especially helps put me into an introspective mood.

I often cannot be creative with other people in the room. It is almost a hindrance when someone else is sitting next to me, no matter how quiet or unobtrusive. The only person I have been able to write with is my husband. It’s very important to have a special place to write where you can feel completely comfortable and allow you to delve into your world. Find a place that speaks to you, whether it is somewhere quiet like a library or your own living room, don’t let your creativity be hampered! Make it happen and you just might be surprised at what comes about.
