Legend of the Great Wolf-Mother

Before our world Toel was borne of our Wolf-Mothers great vision, it was a desolate and barren place, full of mountains that rained fire down upon the scarred and scorched landscape. The world was full of thick black smog and beneath that noxious fume, lived terrible and malicious creatures. They preyed upon the weakest of their own and are the lowest of any creature today.

Wolf-Mother looked down upon this barren place and wished to bestow life upon the deserts. She wished to see beauty in the lands, for she was a beautiful and great white wolf, tinged with violet rays in her fur and deep, iridescent violet eyes.

She set to work to bring fresh water into the world that teemed with thousands of brightly colored fish, and the sun shone down on the water, and it created a beautiful scene, but still she yearned for more. Wolf-Mother brought up the land and created vast valleys with rolling hills that reached forever and a day. The grass was soft and long, but looked as crystal that glowed in the sunlight.  She created mountains made of black glass to reach the stars and deep rivers to give fresh water all throughout her lands. Wolf-Mother created the forests with tall trees that twisted and turned and would provide shelter and shade for her children.

         Beads of sweat dropped to the lands as Wolf-Mother worked and each bead mixed with a different element of the earth, creating new life. There were large, furred creatures that roamed the highest hills; long, scaled creatures who breathed fire or ice and dwelt among the black mountains; and other, smaller creatures preferred the valleys and plains to hop or run about. Try as Wolf-Mother might, she could not create those who looked like her and she silently mourned their absence.

As Wolf-Mother toiled, the evil creatures ran from her beautiful creations and hid in the only place not touched by her loving hands; one last desert that she allowed to remain untouched. Wolf-Mother was not an ender of life, she only understood the making of it but she wished to keep her children safe and raised tall mountains to surround the dark place, casting it into a deep and frigid shadow. The desert became as ice and the creatures that lurked there grew restless, for they craved the hot sun.

Wolf-Mother admired her beautiful world and ran amongst her lands often. The feel of the warm western winds against her face was a lovely thing to experience but she also wished to ensure her children were safe and happy. All the creatures of the land loved Wolf-Mother, all the creatures but the dark shadows she had condemned to live in the icy regions behind the mountains. Wolf-Mother did not know it but the evil things had escaped their icy prison and one dark night, they attacked Wolf-Mother. She snarled and snapped but the evil things knew Wolf-Mother had only love within her heart and could not bring herself to attack, no matter how soulless. Wolf-Mother ran and many other creatures tried to come to her aid, but were quickly destroyed by the evil. She may have died then, but her blood seeped into the rich earth, mixing with Toel’s rarest element, sunstone; a beautiful, golden metal. From this strong metal, new creatures were born. They were tall and strong, they could speak and stood on two legs instead of four. They drove the evil things off and tended to Wolf-Mother’s wounds. Her strong, new creatures called themselves Atavians and they healed her wounds and brought her to a strange structure where they brought her food and honey and sweet-smelling things.

But Wolf-Mother did not stay with them, wishing to be among the stars once more. She gazed down upon her lands and what she saw wounded her far deeper than the evil shadows. Her Atavians were fighting amongst themselves and they had forgotten about Wolf-Mother. They waged wars against themselves, destroying her perfect lands, and as she could bear it no more, she ripped out her heart and threw it into the stars. Wolf-Mothers tears fell to the land and from her tears sprung new children. Wolf-Mother looked down and saw the children she had created were in her image. They were beautiful wolves, ranging in a hundred different colors, but all bore her deep, violet eyes. Wolf-Mother bestowed upon her people the gift of Change so that they may live among the Atavians in safety. But with this gift came a price.

“You must never war amongst yourselves, or I shall be forced to destroy this world and all those who live within it.”

Her wolves promised to obey her only command. Wolf-Mother ruled her wolves for a time in the safety and seclusion of the forests and when it was time, she laid down inside a clearing in the forest and the land swallowed her up, where she would remain forever. Yet her heart still hung among the stars and if you look into the sky today, you will still see its violet glow, as it rises to meet the night.


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