Friday, January 25, 2013

Obsessed With Rowan

Rowan is a complex character, to put it mildly, and I wish I could just lay it all out right here for you, my readers, so you can see how so all-encompassing she has become. There are many trials she will face as you will find out and there are choices she will be forced to make. As you read my book, would you make the same decisions? What you be feeling, alone and cold and full of bloody thoughts? 

Darkness falls upon the flower
Doom for her, this final hour
Only blood will set her free
Yet only her blood will it be

Great is the blackened tower
That sets about to destroy the flower
Shamed she is, for what is done
Yet revels in the delights of nights gone

She cannot move, this tiny flower
For rooted to the ground this hour
Love holds her where she is best
Yet hatred moves her to the test

A choice is made by one so young
To break the bonds of life not done
Keep the world in darkness here
Or set it free by her single tear

In her stead, a tree will grow
Magnificent in its glow
Protection will it offer to the flowers
If her blood doth shed this hour

Darkness falls upon the flower
Doom for her, this final hour
Only blood will set her free
Yet only her blood will it be

From Darkness Falls


Anonymous said...

I am humbled by your poem

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